Sweet Blush Bouquet Comforter Sham


This floral themed sham, "Sweet Blush Bouquet," will add elegance to any home. Soft colors of blush, green, and gray create a calm and beautiful bouquet that is transformed with a special technique using an x-ray machine and a cluster of flowers. "Sweet Blush Bouquet" is a unique floral arrangement that will be stunning in any home!

All of our products are digitally printed to create crisp, vibrant colors and images. Made to order in the USA on imported fabric. Please allow 5-7 days for orders to ship.

  • Printed brushed microfiber top with solid bright white back
  • Square pattern stitching for a modern, clean look
  • Machine washable
  • Comforters and shams sold separately
  • Artist: Albert Koetsier


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